Dental Assistant Recognition Week

By Dr. Ruxandra Costescu

Dental Assistants Recognition Week™ (also known as DARW) is held the first full week in March (this year, it’s March 6-12), and we want to take this opportunity to give our hard-working dental assistants the recognition they deserve!

Our dental assistants are crucial to the success of our practice. They perform multiple functions, and we couldn’t provide the level of patient care we do without them.

One of the dental assistant’s most important priorities is providing patient care. As such, they often form strong patient relationships and act as the face of our practice. It’s not uncommon for patients to feel nervous or uncomfortable about visiting the dentist. In these situations, our dental assistants play a crucial role in helping to alleviate patients’ anxiety.

From preparing for procedures before a patient is even in the dental chair to following up with care instructions after treatment, dental assistants are essential players in providing an exceptional patient experience.

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Our dental assistants are also on the front lines of keeping patients and team members safe. Beyond managing sterilization of dental instruments, they have the uncanny ability to anticipate what’s next in dental procedures and what patients might need. As a result, they’re integral to ensuring the entire appointment goes smoothly and patients remain as comfortable as possible.

Beyond patient care, dental assistants help to maintain the practice’s schedule and keep everything on track. Consummate multi-taskers, dental assistants ensure patients are seated on time and provide the support dentists need to work through scheduled appointments in a timely manner.

Even though March 6-12th is dedicated to recognizing dental assistants, they play an important role in our practice year-round. We’re grateful to our dental assistants for the hard work and contributions they make to keep our patients and team happy and safe!

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