Archive for General Dentistry

Do I Need to Replace a Missing Tooth?

According to the American College of Prosthodontists, “120 million people in the U.S. are missing at least one tooth.” That’s more than 36 percent of the population! The most common causes of tooth loss include: Tooth decay (cavities) Gum disease Injury Cancer Aging Complete tooth loss, or edentulism, affects more than 36 million Americans, mostly those in the geriatric population and the economically disadvantaged. These statistics are staggering, and dental professionals are working around the clock to lower them. But, what happens when you’ve already lost one or more teeth? Do missing teeth need to be replaced? Replacing missing teeth is highly recommended. In this blog, we discuss the […]

Avoid Tooth Extraction : How to Remove Plaque on Your Teeth

Something as small, and seemingly insignificant as plaque can wreak havoc on your oral health. In fact, failing to properly and continually remove plaque on your teeth can result in tooth extraction. Yikes! The good news is that teeth don’t go directly from plaque buildup to tooth extraction. When plaque builds up on the teeth, it takes between 24-72 hours to turn into tartar (a hardened substance that must be professionally removed). When tartar isn’t removed, the bacteria eats away at the tooth enamel, creating cavities, and forms pockets along the gum line, resulting in gum disease. Tooth extraction may be […]

8 Good Toothbrushing Habits

Did you know that your smile is one of the first things other people notice about you? Healthy, beautiful teeth are essential to making a good first impression. And while there are many ways to achieve a healthy, beautiful smile, it’s important to start with the basics of oral health care–brushing your teeth. Your toothbrushing habits can make or break your smile. We all know we are supposed to brush our teeth every day, however, it’s not just important that we brush our teeth daily– the details of that habit are imperative to its effectiveness. So, are you brushing your teeth in […]

Dental Assistant Recognition Week

Dental Assistants Recognition Week™ (also known as DARW) is held the first full week in March (this year, it’s March 6-12), and we want to take this opportunity to give our hard-working dental assistants the recognition they deserve! Our dental assistants are crucial to the success of our practice. They perform multiple functions, and we couldn’t provide the level of patient care we do without them. One of the dental assistant’s most important priorities is providing patient care. As such, they often form strong patient relationships and act as the face of our practice. It’s not uncommon for patients to feel nervous […]

Why Do I Have White Spots on My Teeth?

Everyone wants white teeth, but not so much when that color appears in spots or blotches. Technically known as white lesions, white spots can develop on your teeth due a range of factors from diet to ingesting fluoride as a child. Common causes include: Fluorosis – Though fluoride is essential for strengthening teeth and preventing decay, too much fluoride in developing teeth can lead to low amounts of calcification, which causes spots of softer enamel and discoloration. Fluorosis occurs when children consume too many fluoridated beverages or swallow fluoride toothpaste when the enamel layers of permanent teeth are being formed. Most commonly, […]

Are There Options for Repairing Severely Damaged Teeth?

Anyone who has ever experienced the agony of a toothache knows that poor oral health is more than an inconvenience; it negatively impacts your quality of life. Not only can damaged teeth cause physical pain, but they can also create extreme self-consciousness and pose significant health risks if left untreated. Damage occurs to teeth for a variety of reasons, from disease and facial trauma to years of teeth grinding or a misaligned bite. Fortunately, dental advancements allow us to treat or correct even the most severely damaged teeth. Specific treatment options will depend on a patient’s circumstances and health history; however, […]

Save Your Tooth or Pull It?

If you’ve been experiencing tooth pain, your inclination might be to just pull the problematic tooth and be done with it! Unfortunately, it’s not always that simple. So, before you choose to extract it, make sure you take time to understand the ramifications. Benefits of saving a natural tooth When possible, saving your natural teeth is the best option. While today’s dental prosthetics are made to last, they simply don’t have the same strength as natural teeth. Not only are natural teeth stronger, but they also offer better functionality than prosthetics or crowns. Plus, your natural teeth will are more durable and […]

Should I Be Worried About Tooth Enamel Loss?

As children, we’re taught that if we don’t take care of our teeth properly – brush daily, floss regularly, and watch our sugar intake – we’ll get cavities. However, as adults, we realize that there’s more to oral health than avoiding cavities alone – enter enamel erosion. What is tooth enamel? Enamel is the tooth’s thin, translucent outer layer. Harder than bone, tooth enamel is the first line of defense against decay. It protects the inner, sensitive part of the tooth, called dentin. Without enamel, the inner part of your tooth, which houses thousands of microscopic channels, is exposed and vulnerable to […]

Ouch! Do I Have Sensitive Teeth?

Have you ever winced with sudden pain after gulping an icy beverage or slurping a spoonful of hot soup? If so, you’re likely one of the 40 million Americans the Academy of General Dentistry estimates experience tooth sensitivity each year. What causes tooth sensitivity? Tooth sensitivity (i.e., dentin hypersensitivity) occurs when tooth enamel wears away, leaving the dentin exposed. This soft, inner part of your tooth houses thousands of microscopic channels that, when left unprotected, allow stimuli to reach the nerves causing pain. Some people naturally have more sensitive teeth due to having thinner enamel. However, in many cases, tooth enamel can be […]

5 Tips to Maintain Healthy Teeth During the Holidays

The holidays are here and with them come all the joys of the season – lights and decorations, time with friends and family, and those special treats we only get this time of year. Unfortunately, the special treats we love so much can lead to damaged teeth and an unwanted trip to the dentist, which will definitely not have you feeling holly and jolly.  We don’t want you to miss out on all the fun, but we do want you to keep your oral health intact, so we’ve pulled together a few tips to help you care for your teeth […]

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